Equipment in use

Skywatcher Explorer 200P Newton telescope This is an 8" f/5 Newton telescope. Versatile enough for most objects. Focal length of 1000 mm still good for small objects like the M1 nebula, but planets are not the best target for this scope. Larger nebulas require mosaics (or a full frame sensor).
Skywatcher Quattro 150P Newton telescope I am using the Quattro for wide field astrophotography. It is a 6" f/4 Newton. The coma corrector shipped with the telescope serves as a 0.86 reducer, bringing the focal ratio down to f/3.45, this creating a very fast (but feisty) telescope.
Skywatcher AZ-EQ 5 DX Equatorial mount The EQ 5 was sold out, so I switched to an AZ-EQ 5. I like this mount. It is strong enough to guide my equipment with an rms<1" and I can still lift everything around in the nighttime.
Skywatcher Polarscope Polarscope The AZ-EQ 5 has an external polar scope. A must for astrophotography.
ZWO ASI 294MC Pro Cooled astro camera, 4/3 I like the versatility of this camera. OSC is good for beginners, as dealing around with filters etc. can be a burden. The sensor has a sufficient size for most objects. It has some visible amp glow which can be removed by the dark frames. I can typically cool it down to -20° C (-16° C in summer nights).
ZWO-5V-EAF-A Focuser An electronic automatic focuser with temperature sensors, controlled by the APT Tool. Perfect images, saves so much time. I purchased it with the hand controller, just in case I do some visual sessions.
Baader 2" Newtonian Coma Corrector MPCC Mark III Coma corrector This improved my images tremendously. A had large coma even with the small sensor (what would that have looked like with a full frame?), but now stars are prefect.
ZWO Duo-Band Filter 2" Filter Dual band filter for H-alpha and OIII for nebula images with my OSC camera with a bandwidth of 35 nm at OIII and 15 nm at H-alpha.
Optolong L-Extreme 2" Filter Another dual band filter for H-alpha and OIII for nebula images with my OSC camera. The Optolong has a bandwidth of 7 nm for both lines, thus it does not include the H-beta line as the ZWO Duo. I use the L-Extreme with my Quattro as the Quattro is fast enough for the small bandwidth of this filter.
ZWO Filter Drawer for 2" filters Accessory A perfect and exact filter manual drawer if you are not dependet on multiple filters per night.
Lacerta LED Flatfieldbox Accessory I don't have to wait for next morning to do my flats. It takes 5 minutes to close my session with the flat field box and I can start the stacking.
Baader Skyglow Neodym 2" and 1.25" Filter I am using it for my OSC images of galaxies and globular clusters. There is lots of light pollution from BASF, street lamps, and neighbours - but the growing amout of LED lights might make this filter worthless.
TS Optics Cheshire collimation eyepiece Accessory Easy to use for collimation for a Newton telescope - if you have a good manual.
TS Optics 2x Barlow 1.25" Barlow lens Only used for visual astronomy. Might try this with planetary imaging.
Lunatico Pocket CW2 Observatory Control The Pocket CW2 allows me to document the observing conditions and provides alarms for dew point, rain, clouds etc.

Equipment no longer in use

(my blog will explain why the items were abandoned)

Olympus E-450 DSLR Camera I started my astrophotography journey with this camera but soon realized, that I need an astro camera.
TS-Optics 23 mm Crosshair Eyepiece 1.25" barrel I purchased this for 3-stars calibration and PEC training. No longer needed with guiding and planetary software.
TS-Optics Bahtinov Mask This was finally abandoned as I switched to the electronic automatic focuser.