In the past moths I faced lots of problems with data transmission using my USB cables. I used a 5 m standard cable connected to a 3 m cable with amplifier. Very often I lost contact to the camera or could not even connect. This became worse with the humid conditions end of 2022 as there was lots of flash rust on the connectors. I connected a power supply to my USB hub, but even that did not help.
I was investigating several solutions and finally ended up with a 10 m fiber optic USB cable. The cable includes both, fiber optics for data and cable for the power supply of external devices. I spent several nights with this setup and did not face any more problems.
I also updated my setup with a connector box for the power supply for the mount and the imaging camera cooler. The auto focusser and the auto guider camera are supplied by the USB, getting rid of one more cable between the scope and my garden house.

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